Monday, February 7, 2011

Smoke Signals

Possibly the most interesting thing that happened to me was when I first met David Gehle in third hour on Friday.  We immediately began discussing pre-Calculus with writing and gestures when Eric Coughlin burst out laughing and exclaimed, "It's hilarious to watch two people, who can't speak or write, argue!"
This really does prove that the medium is the message as we were having an innocent discussion about mathematics and were mistaken to be bitterly fighting.

Postman on Youtube

Correlation #1. New problems on the horizon. We are losing our minds to something, we will need to fix it.
Correlation #2. We will become slaves to our computers. He seriously believes that computers are taking over, hence his book.


1. The first six words are meant to ensure that no one suspects that she encourages violence or inflammatory rhetoric
2. She used bellicose to show what kind of metaphors were being used and to also avoid using a word whose meaning can be mistaken.
3. a) She is trying to persuade the reader that we should not be limited in our speech by the ignorance of others
    b) The example about how a words etymology can be different but the phonetics be similar and people will assume the worst.
4. I agree with Chavez, we should exercise our freedom of speech how we wish free of fear that we will be rejected for a false mistaken meaning

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

person really really wants to go to Harvard?

1. By now you should realize that i am going as a corpse.
2. I think it does help his point as it enables him to emphasize his point of reusing everything possible to the point where it is no longer useful to society, including our own bodies.  He convinces the reader to agree to his main point of reusing things for a better environment and then shows them a way that that can actually happen. The intent of the essay was build support for the idea of donating one's body for the advancement of science and research. He wanted to show that you can literally reuse almost anything and that this is one thing that takes very little effort on your part, as the real work begins after you are dead ( at least we hope, we do not want situations like the one in "the fall of the House of Usher").  I believe that for the most part this writing strategy was effective, he was hoping to persuade the readers to donate their bodies for the advancement of science and although he ignored counter-argument such as ethical questions. Overall he wrote a convincing piece about something he cares about, and for that he cannot be blamed.

Monday, December 6, 2010

the author of the song uses pathos with his exceptional use of exclamation points throughout the song to stir the emotions of those listening to the song to want jesus to come now. phrases like "oh wondrous birth!" and"make here thy home!'' causes the listener to be moved and cause them to be anxious for jesus's coming. "high song of triumph swell!" is an amazing use of pathos to create an atmosphere of majesty and success surrounding jesus's coming. the last verse, praising all parts of the trinity, once again appeal to emotions to causes an exultation in the singers and in the listeners again causing a longing for christ and his glorious return.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sermon Comparison

Rev. Edwards' sermon focused mainly on the punishment for our unbelief and sins rather than on what God has done for us while Rev. Borghardt's sermon focused on the rewards that saints will receive for their faith rather than, again, on what God has done for us. Both Rev. Edwards and Rev. Borghardt missed the main point of God's grace saving us and instead concentrated on the end results. Rev. Edwards was scaring people into the faith, and Rev. Borghardt was enticing people with the rewards in  heaven that one receives as a gift from God for their belief everlasting.

P.S. Mr Brandt as of this date and time has not yet put a link for my blog on his main page, and while this is indeed a minor annoyance i have naturally worked past in order to complete my assignment, though i would not object to his taking the previous action to so simplify my life and to ease the burdening workload placed upon me.

Monday, October 25, 2010


The Question in the poll is about Whether or not you have ever seen anything related to drowning and laughed, as it is related to the title of the blog, please respond.